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Author Archives: Christina Rivenbark

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2 injured, 1 dead in 4-vehicle North Carolina crash

The Research Triangle in North Carolina has seen four fatalities just this week due to motor vehicle accidents. The most recent accident happened in Raleigh…

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What can a DUI conviction cost me?

Have you or someone you are friends with ever driven home after enjoying a couple of drinks? Many people don’t think driving home is a…

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Is deferred prosecution an option for me in North Carolina?

If you are facing misdemeanor charges in North Carolina, sometimes you may be able to enter into a diversionary plea agreement, which may help you to avoid a conviction. By meeting…

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What can affect the outcome of a field sobriety test

As a North Carolina resident who has taken and failed a field sobriety test, it may feel like the end of the line. However, field…

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Is your spouse hiding assets? Here’s what to look for.

North Carolina does not recognize community property, so when couples in the state divorce, their assets will be divided equitably instead of equally. Sometimes, a…

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How to file for divorce in North Carolina

When a marriage ends and one or both spouses live in North Carolina, the criteria for obtaining a divorce is relatively straightforward. The state only…

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Can you refuse to take a field sobriety test?

In North Carolina, there are many tools that law enforcement agents use to determine whether someone is driving drunk. Field sobriety tests are often used…

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Which age group texts and drives the most?

It is undeniable that North Carolina has suffered from a distracted driving problem in recent years. In particular, texting while driving has become a huge…

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Can I get compensation for my repetitive stress injury?

As an employee in North Carolina, it is important that you have a working environment that is relatively free from safety hazards and the possibility…

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What happens if I refuse to take a Breathalyzer test?

When drivers are pulled over in North Carolina for suspicion of driving under the influence, the officer at the scene may decide that it is…

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