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Author Archives: Christina Rivenbark

Home > Articles by: Christina Rivenbark

Driving Without a License in North Carolina (2024) – What Happens?

The state enforces many laws for drivers, and one important law is that it is illegal to drive without a valid driver’s license. If you…

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Is Lane Splitting Legal in North Carolina? (2024)

Every state has unique laws pertaining to different types of drivers, and all drivers face various risks on roads in the state. However, motorcycles are…

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North Carolina Personal Injury Settlement Amounts Examples 2024

When the actions of one party cause economic damages and/or physical harm to another party, the injured party has the right to seek accountability and…

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Is DWI a Felony in North Carolina? (2024)

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious criminal offense, and the state enforces very strict rules regarding DWI convictions and associated penalties compared to some…

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How to Defend Yourself Against False Accusations of a Crime in North Carolina?

The criminal justice system in the United States functions on the premise of “innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.” This means that when…

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Level 5 DWI North Carolina (2024) – All You Need to Know

If you drive in North Carolina, it is crucial to refrain from consuming alcohol or drugs before getting behind the wheel. Driving while intoxicated (DWI)…

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Field Sobriety Tests North Carolina (2024) – All You Need To Know

Being pulled over by a police officer can be a stressful or even frightening experience, especially if you know you did not do anything wrong.…

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Speeding Ticket Points NC (2024) – All You Need to Know

Most North Carolina drivers are aware of the points system for driving offenses in the state, but there are a few persistent misconceptions about this…

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Reckless Driving Examples North Carolina (2024)

Every state in the country enforces unique traffic laws, and North Carolina takes reckless driving very seriously. However, many drivers carry misconceptions about what reckless…

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North Carolina DUI Laws and Penalties (2024) — All You Need To Know

Driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are terms used interchangeably in North Carolina to describe any incident in which a driver…

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